Processes of Cultural Memory in Contemporary Lithuanian Culture

  • Aurelija Mykolaitytė
Keywords: cultural memory, political memory, Holocaust, resistance, deportation


The article explains what cultural memory is and what processes of cultural memory are most noticeable in today’s Lithuanian culture. The works by Aleida Assmann and Jan Assmann, which continue research on memory started by Maurice Halbwachs and Pierre Nore and supplement them with new insights into the contemporary global world of today, were chosen for the theoretical basis. The concept of cultural memory, which is defined as texts, images, and rituals, is particularly important. This theoretical basis underlies the study of works by Lithuanian authors. It has been noticed that modern Lithuanian culture is moving from local to global memory, contemporary artists aim at creating for an international audience, and new ways of expression are being sought. On the other hand, frequent succumbing to the commercialisation of art is observed. Thus, culture is at its turning point and is shifting from one cultural environment to another. While confusion is particularly evident in the creation of political memory, cultural memory is much more open to today’s challenges. It is in a living relationship with its history that still raises questions about the Holocaust, resistance, and exile, and this relationship maintains its significance.