Influence of vegetable additives on spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) bread quality

  • Miglė Daunaravičiūtė
  • Aurelija Paulauskienė
  • Živilė Tarasevičienė
  • Berta Silkartaitė
Keywords: beetroot powder, carrot powder, spelt wheat bread


The research was performed at Aleksandras Stulginskis University (Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy since 2019) in 2017–2018. Bread was baked without additives and enriched with 10% of dried carrot and beetroot powders. The research aim was to investigate and compare the influ­ence of these additives on bread quality. Using standard methods, water content, titratable acidity, fiber and ash quantities were established in baked bread. Crumb porosity, firmness and colour were also evaluated, and bread sensory analyses were carried out. The highest moisture (44.64%) and fiber (2.65% DM) contents were established in the bread with carrot powder, and in the bread with beetroot powder the highest ash content (3.98% DM) was found. The lowest acidity was found in the bread with carrot powder. The highest porosity was found in the bread without additives (52.12%). Vegetable additives reduced bread porosity. The bread with carrot and beetroot additives had a brighter colour. The bread with beet­root powder had the darkest and most intense red crumb, while the bread with carrot powder additive had the brightest yellow colour of the bread crumb. The results of the sensory evaluation of the bread showed that the appearance and bread crumb colour with the addition of beetroot powder was the most acceptable to the evaluators. The bread without additives had the highest scores of the aroma, while the bread with carrot powder had the best taste.