Social context of adult non-formal education

  • Jūratė Butvilienė
Keywords: non-formal adult education, social context, labour market, social groups of non-formal education learners, employers


The current non-formal adult education and the content of legislative instruments, as well as organized training in terms of content are more focused on current expectations of employers as regards employees’ qualifications, a clear decoupling of the individual self-help / personal development and fulfilment capabilities. It is also an integral part of the process and manifestations of social stratification, with a particular emphasis on the private non-formal education sector, providing visible student groups, financial, social status, career or influence the content of education change, and decision-making uniqueness. Thus, in this paper, we try to consider a few non-formal adult education aspects through some social aspects that contextualize the variables of adult non-formal education social context, i. e. the employer’s expectations regarding the workers’ competences, the diversity of social groups, and the internal motives for reinforcing the general and professional competences via non-formal education. In addition, the issues of funding and of the importance of non-formal adult education are discussed, giving rise to the capacity of the learner’s social status at different levels: social, psychological, cultural, political, etc.

Sociology of Education