Sociological interpretations of data on the aggregate capital of regional population (work experience abroad, relation to labour migration, factors of life success)

  • Vladimir Menshikov
  • Eduards Vanags
  • Olga Volkova
Keywords: aggregate capital, resource capitalization, labour migration, life success


In the present article, the authors continue their sociological interpretations of the
empiric data obtained in the research project “Aggregate Capital, Its Structure and
Relation to Labour Migration” (2012). The following hypothesis has been proved: a
higher predisposition for the labour migration is more typical for economically active
region’s inhabitants with fairly high amounts of some indicators of the aggregate
capital, especially physical capital, but with a comparatively lower amount of cultural
capital, which could transform into human capital and further into economic capital in
Latgale or Latvia. An in-depth analysis of the factors of life success has revealed that,
in general, our respondents tend to assign the lead role not to the personal competitive
characteristics (resources) but rather to the specificity of the social environment: an
explanation of life success by means of a set of variables that, on the whole, describe
it as a socio-political innovation with criminal tendencies (political corruption) is the
most spread one.
