Creative class: economical, sociological and philosophical issues

  • Tomas Kačerauskas
Keywords: creative class, economical product, policy of creativity, creative society


The article deals with the creative class. The author criticizes R. Florida’s conception, according to which it is a social group that produces economical values through creative activity. According to the author, not all creative workers have been involved into economic activity and not all creative products take part in economical circulation. Democracy as the power of majority presupposes neither creative society nor its crea­tive development while mediated society does even stop the spread of creativity despite opened unlimited communicative perspectives. We can speak about the creative class only after we separate from it other classes that are less creative or not creative. The article deals with the questions as follows. Are other less creative (non-creative) classes the part of creative society? What is their role not only by defining the creative class but also in the process of creative class’ formation? How can we deny the right of these classes to creativity inseparable from human activity in general? What is the role of conscious identifying with the creative class by defining a creative worker? Is the creative class not a veil to develop the policy of certain exceptionality? Can non-creative individuals flour­ish in creative environment? Are less creative (non-creative) classes to be defined only in a negative way (as lacking of creativity)? Does creative society presuppose necessary expropriation of less creative (non-creative) classes?

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