Philosophical and Anthropological Dimension of Technoscience

  • Victor Petrushenko
  • Oksana Chursinova
Keywords: technoscience, basic anthropic characteristics of a person, structure of existence, technology, anthropology of technology, interdisciplinity in technoscience


The authors of this article provide arguments for the necessity to complement the existing approaches to understanding the phenomenon of technoscience with the analysis of technoscience within the context of philosophical and anthropological interpretation of technology (F. Dessauer). The article provides a critical insight into the neutral technology assessment suggested by K. Jaspers, outlines new prospects for studying technoscience taking into account the fact how a person fits into deeper structures of the world. The philosophical and anthropological interpretation of technology relates it with basic anthropic characteristics of a person, therefore, the article makes an attempt to prove that such vision of technoscience organically requires from its researchers and creators consideration of social, cultural and value-based aspects of its development and implementation.
Culture and Science