The Myth of Rationality and the Dualistic Concept of Knowledge on the Example of the Formation of the Concept of Information Literacy

  • Michal Černý
Keywords: information literacy, modernity, modern society, romanticism, enlightenment, neo-romanticism, philosophy of education


This study analyses the approaches discursively applied in conceptualising information literacy in modern society on the model of two ideal pure types – Enlightenment and Neo-Romanticism. The study places these approaches at the core of contemporary society as competing and complementary approaches. It analytically reviews each historical approach and analyses its influence on the formation of educational theories using information literacy as a model. The hypothesis is that if the conceptualisation of the new is not to remain unsatisfactory and problematic, it will be necessary to find a way to overcome the incompleteness of modernity and abandon efforts to renew both the Enlightenment and Neo-Romanticism.

Epistemology: Human Cognition, Cognitive Connotations...