The expansion model of customer service on the internet

  • Jonas Žaptorius
Keywords: customer-friendly service, adjustment factors, customer’s verbal recommendations, business-to-consumer approach, communication tools, e-commerce field


The article deals with the online customer service issues. Several influence factors such as companies’ focus on customer service, creation of customer service standards, human resources, customer relationship management are identified and analysed. The efficient customers’ online service is determined by such factors as the speed of response to electronic requests, personnel qualification, customer service tools, call centers, standards of customer service and recourses in compliance with the standards of the real situation.
The e-business situation in Lithuania is reviewed. The reasons that hamper this type of commercial development are identified. A questionnaire filled by customers allows to analyse the quality of online services in Lithuania. The key customer expectations and problems are identified. While investigating the quality ensurance, a project for improving the communication was prepared. The model was applied to companies operating on the internet. In order to successfully apply this model, organizations need to focus on customers, a modern approach to customer services, provision of their support on the internet and the usage of international technologies for service processing.

Media Research