Utilization of spare substances of Zea mays L. seeds during germination under the combined effect of growth regulators and presence or absence of light

  • Volodymyr Kuryata
  • Bohdana Kuts
  • Yuriy Prysedsky


Functional changes in the source-sink system of maize sprouts under combination of external (light/dark) and hormonal (gibberellic acid/retardant) factors during germination were studied. It was found that the phytohormone action significantly increased the coleoptile, root and seedling length, dry matter mass of organs, both in light and in dark. Tebuconazole caused the opposite effect due to its retardant action. The inactivation of endogenous phytohormone was confirmed by less intensive use of seed substances, the minimum dry matter of root and coleoptile and lower reserve utilization rates under tebuconazole influence, in particular under photomorphogenesis condition. The non-maximum mass of cotyledons may indicate a kind of optimization of use of reserves under tebuconazole treatment. Gibberellin stimulated starch breakdown in both light and dark, but starch usage was higher in dark. The lower content of sugar in the seeds of skotomorphic plants in control and under gibberellin action was explained by intense outflow for the organogenesis needs. Gibberellin stimulated the hydrolysis of reserve protein after intensive starch hydrolysis in dark. Specific gibberellin regulation of phosphorus outflow for the organogenesis processes under the photo- and skotomorphogenesis conditions and no regulation for potassium under photomorphogenesis conditions were found.