Development and application of the complex model of the cholinergic system

  • Volodymyr Vasylenko
  • Mariia Martynova
  • Saulius Mickevičius


The vital activity of organisms is regulated by biochemical processes. Even minor disruptions or incorrect intervention in these processes leads to serious, often irreversible, consequences. The study of the cholinergic system and its modulators is of particular interest. Reasonable influence on the metabolism of acetylcholine can help in solving a wide range of veterinary, medical, and fundamental biochemical problems. Currently, not all mechanisms of biological effects on the cholinergic system have been studied. Limited laboratory methods are the main obstacle to further study of these processes. The results of in vitro and in vivo studies can most often be questioned due to the significant influence of external factors, high variability of variables, and difficulties in processing large volumes of biochemical data. In recent years, more and more researchers have emphasized the need to introduce new methods and research methods in the area of biological sciences. Without innovative approaches in applied research, it is no longer possible to obtain a reliable and satisfactory result. It is necessary to set a goal to find and develop safe modulators of the cholinergic system both in the direction of catalytic reactions and its inhibition by using the methods of computational biology. Existing software products give positive results in solving highly specific issues, but they do not offer a comprehensive solution to the existing problems of biomodelling. This article examines examples of the existing modelling techniques and considers the possibility of creating a universal software product for the integral construction and analysis of the cholinergic system.