Infrared reflectance of GaP nanorods

  • M. Treideris
  • I. Šimkienė
  • I. Kašalynas
  • A. Selskis
  • G.J. Babonas


The reflectance of GaP nanorods on GaP substrates was investigated in the frequency range of 300–500 cm–1 by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) reflectance spectroscopy. GaP nanorods were fabricated by the anodic electrochemical etching technique. The structure of nanorods, formed by using galvanostatic and potentiostatic etching regimes was studied by the SEM technique. The correlation between particular features in the infrared reflection spectra in the reststrahlen region and the morphology of nanorods was analysed and discussed.
Condensed Matter Physics and Technology