Theatre and press in 1920–1929. (Self )legitimation of theatre criticism

  • Rasa Vasinauskaitė


In the beginning of the development of the professional Lithuanian theatre in the first decadeof Lithuanian independence, Lithuanian theatre criticism also took its first steps. The article analyses the connection between theatre and its reviewers, their attitude towards contemporary aspects of theatre and life, scenic art and literature, aesthetics and national ideology. The debatable atmosphere of press and theatre is accentuated. Three reviewers of different newspapers and periodicals, different experiences and methods are presented: Viktoras Jocaitis, Pranas Lubickas, and Vytautas Pranas Bičiūnas. The author maintains that the real school of theatrical criticism of that period was not only theatre, but also press. The debates on the state of national art (theatre, literature, fine arts) and its development appeared in publications, shaped multiple public spheres, and theatre criticism got involved into it.