Evolution of the Axiology of Military Leadership: Historical and Philosophical Aspect in the Context of the russian-Ukrainian War

  • Vadym Dyiak
  • Vladyslav Volobuiev
Keywords: military leadership, military leader, war, axiology


The theses of our research are the following: 1) the ideal of a military leader depends on the axiological field of culture and evolves from taking into account only military prowess to prioritising moral values; 2) this ideal is significantly modified under the influence of Christianity; 3) the current russian-Ukrainian war has demonstrated a conflict of axiologies and different understandings of military leadership.
The article demonstrates how the ideal of a military leader has changed. This makes it possible to understand the value conflict that is the basis of the russian-Ukrainian war: the Ukrainian military leader is oriented towards the Western paradigm, while the russian military leader is drawn to archaic ideals of warfare with their inherent cruelty and desire to win at any cost.

Ethics: Axiology of Military Leadership and Technological Morality