Heideggerian Notes on Education: Learning and Being-in-the-world

  • Nerijus Stasiulis
Keywords: being-in-the-world, education, enframing, Heidegger, language


The article discusses issues, trends and possibilities of current education in Heideggerian terms. The situation of education is related to the broader situation of our time. Thus, enframing brings both danger and possibility to education. The latter should also be concerned with learning to think Being. Education shares in the fundamental character of being-in-the-world and the double possibility of authenticity or inauthenticity as well as dangers of deworlding and detemporalising. This article will be followed by the second part, which will discuss how currently education, like current sciences, supervenes on a Being-forgetful notion of ratio, thus, an ‘other’ relation to language (logos) is relevant.

Phenomenology: Being-in-the-world, Learning, and Dante’s Phenomenology of Evil