Will to phantasy: “dissident” poetics of the possible amid the parody of postmodernity

  • Mindaugas Briedis
Keywords: postmodernism, phenomenology, intentional acts, imagination, possibility, poetics


The article, from the perspective of phenomenological philosophy, deals with the possibility to break through the vicious circle of postmodern parody. One of the basic features of a postmodern state is the deconstruction of the “human being”, which is immediately followed by the destruction of the very notion of creative humanist imagination, leaving only a blind play of anonymous fragments of the meaning. The first part of the article deals with the problems of image culture, which eventually lead to the typology and phenomenological rethinking of imagination. On the other hand, in order to understand the innovative phenomenological approach to imagination by E. Husserl, it is necessary first of all to critically distinguish between physical imaging consciousness and phantasy (immanent imaging consciousness) and, secondly, to reflect upon the complex relation between the presenting and presentifying acts of consciousness. The second part of the article explores the analysis of phantasy as an intentional act and its basic structures such as freedom, possibility, neutrality, etc. These structures lead us right to the M. Heidegger’s project of Dasein’s hermeneutics as the poetics of the possible, which is discussed in the final part of the article. All the above facts allow to underline the fourth, “dissident” paradigm of imagination, which in the ideas of such thinkers as I. Kant, F. Nietzsche, E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, P. Ricoeur and poets alike constitute a sound alternative to the pathos of postmodern decadence. This hermeneutic paradigm analyses imagination through the notion of the possible, not as the secondary derivative representation, but as the very structural fundament of intentionality and eventually of any eidetic investigation.

Visuality and Postmodern Discourses