Antique thought in Lithuania: Distant and close
The article deals with the perception of antique thought in Lithuania. According to the author, knowing antique thought could be a factor of maturity of society in general and of scientific communty in particular. However, knowing does not mean uncreative repetition of antique ideas. On the contrary, knowledge (phronesis) of antique ideas should be connected with their creative continuance by developing new conceptions of
life art (technē tou biou). It corresponds both to antique technē as the content of creation and pluralistic attitudes of Socrates by creating one’s individual life. According to the author, antique heritage is actual first of all as the art of linking life creation (technē) and creative knowledge (phronesis). The author develops this thesis as follows: every look at antiquity and other historical periods that assimilate antique heritage is upstaged by the receptions of other historical periods, receptions that are inseparable from social aspirations and creative attitudes of that time. The reception of antique thought in Lithuania has been shown from the beginning of Lithuanian philosophy in the early 16th century until the Second World War. The antique thought has been assimilated by developing Lithuanian philosophy. The way of thought leads through the regions f becoming the culture of the national community.