Contacts between adult children and their parents in Lithuania: the effects of familial, individual and structural factors

  • Aušra Maslauskaitė
Keywords: intergenerational contacts, parental divorce, life course events, linked lives, Lithuania


The paper focuses on the frequency of intergenerational face-to-face contacts between parents and their adult children in Lithuania, and how they are affected by the parental family history events, the child’s life course events, individual and structural level factors. The main empirical findings prove that parental divorce negatively affects the father–child contacts and has no effect at all on the mother–child contacts. Moreover,
the effect of divorce is more negative on father–daughter contacts, and this contradicts the findings from other countries. Contrary to what has been expected, the child’s life course events, individual and structural level factors define the intergenerational contacts to a very limited extent. Proximity stands out as the most stable defining factor of contacts in all types of child–parent dyads.
