Mobility of physicians and main trends of their integration in the labour market in the conditions of economic boom / crisis

  • Arūnas Pocius
Keywords: mobility, labour market, specialist preparation, physicians’ integration in the labour market, career, workplaces, labour supply, labour demand


The article aims at evaluating the situation and development trends of physicians’ integration in the Lithuanian labour market. Recent trends are estimated in the conditions of economic boom / crisis. One of the priorities of the article is to evaluate the situation of job mobility (migration trends) of physicians in the context of economic changes. In the article considerable attention is given to the data analysis of a qualitative survey of physicians carried out by the author (in cooperation with the team of researchers). In addition, the data from the Labour Force Survey conducted by the Lithuanian Statistics Department as well as the data on migration statistics have been used when carrying out the analysis. The issues of shortage of human resources in the health sector of Lithuania are reflected in the article. The results of the survey allow for a more comprehensive evaluation of career opportunities for physicians in Lithuania. Based on the survey results, the conclusions on integration of physicians in the Lithuanian labour market have been drawn.

Migration / Occupational Career