Vytautas Kavolis and Pitirim A. Sorokin
The article deals with the origins of the Lithuanian-American scientist Vytautas Kavolis social theory. It considers what role Russian-American sociologist Pitirim A. Sorokin’s ideas play in forming the Kavolis theory. It is argued that Sorokin’s influence upon Kavolis general theoretical presuppositions is secondary. He only strengthens another American sociologist Talcott Parsons’ influence upon Kavolis general theoretical orientations. Sorokin’s sociology plays much more significant role in crystallizing some of Kavolis special theoretical presuppositions and in his choosing of research problems. Kavolis uses the classification of worldviews developed by the Russian-American sociologist in defining one type of the determinants of artistic creativity and in mapping one of structural axes of civilization organization and the processes taking place along this axis. Sorokin’s works become a point of departure for the Lithuanian-American sociologist as he inquires the questions concerning artistic creativity and develops civilization studies. Kavolis and Sorokin’s approaches to artistic creativity are discussed in detail.