Visual ideology of the Millenium of Lithuania: a case study

  • Nida Vasiliauskaitė
Keywords: Saint Bruno of Querfurt, the Millennium of Lithuania, visual ideology, Neo-Nazism, political poster


In 2009 Lithuania celebrated the Millennium of Lithuania’s name, the first written record which is historically related to the decapitation of Saint Bruno of Querfurt. The article deals with this “millenarian” public rhetoric and its visual expression as used by the State and informal political groups. In particular, the focus is on a notorious subcultural rock poster, inviting to celebrate the Millenium on the National Independence Day, which is
significant in the local political context. My thesis is that not only the context around the poster, but also the poster itself represents, purely by visual means, a kind of political ideology which could be detected as closely related to Neo-Nazism.

The Reflections of Public Life: the Lithuanian Cases