Spatial distribution of events registered by police in Vilnius City in 2010 and 2011
The paper summarizes the results of geographic research into events registered by police in Vilnius City in 2010 and 2011, performed in Vilnius University in 2011–2012. All registered events that amount to 100,000 per year have been localised by their street addresses and categorised by type. Various spatial analysis methods and ArcGIS 10 tools have been applied for analysis of distribution of the events in space and time. Temporal
analysis showed that most of the events in the city are registered after dark though before late night, only thefts and robberies mostly take place during day time. Precise maps of events density have been compiled. They clearly show high concentration zones in the city centre and in the flat block districts around some shopping and entertainment centres. The concentration zones in 2010 and in 2011 have the same shape though a general number of events is significantly higher in 2011. Two types of crimes: thefts and robberies and violent crimes have been analyzed separately as they tend to have different spatial patterns. Thefts and robberies comprise the biggest percent of events in Šnipiškės, Verkiai and Žvėrynas whereas violent crimes prevail in Paneriai and Rasos. Event maps allow for beter understanding of the trends of criminality in the city in general and by type. They can greatly facilitate observation and prevention planning. The maps will be made publicly available in the Lithuanian spatial information portal