Transition of Lithuanian youth from education to the labour market: theoretical presumptions and empirical evidence

  • Rūta Brazienė
  • Gediminas Merkys
Keywords: youth, education, labour market, transition from education to the labour market


This paper is aimed at analysis of Lithuanian youth from education to the labour market. The purpose of this paper is to disclose theoretical presumptions and present the empirical evidence of transition from education to the labour market. The theoretical model of the research is based on the synthesis of many micro-level (individual characteristics) and macro-level (structural, economical changes, etc.) sociological, educational science, management and economical approches, and the national context of youth, education and labour market policy. In this paper, data of the representative social survey in Lithuania were presented. For data analysis the following methods were applied: factor and cluster analysis, T test, etc. The research results allow to conlude that for succesful youth transition from education to the labour market succesful apprenticenship and adaptation in the first job are important.
