The role of the image in connecting communicative strategies in philosophy and sociology

  • Agnieška Juzefovič
Keywords: philosophy, sociology, communication, picture, photography, crowd


The first part of the article, which is devoted to methodological topics, analyses the interdisciplinary tendencies that are becoming stronger in recent decades, more and more intensive correlations of philosophy, sociology and communication. The second part discusses the strategies of visual communication, settling in humanitarian and social sciences, and it considers the role of visuality in the process of their approach and correlation. The third part concentrates on one of the most significant forms of modern society – crowd. The author analyses the philosophical and sociological relation to the crowd, she emphasizes the essentially negative attitude of the philosopher towards the crowd and principled attempt to disassociate from it. The fourth part of the article, devoted to the analysis of particular reflections of the crowd, discusses the pictures of the photographer of LSSR, Fisher, depicting the crowd participating in huge demonstrations organized in every May and October which were particularly popular in the Stalin epoch. Looking at the same images in different angles, it is considered what philosophical and social contexts they can reveal, the peculiarities and differences of philosophical interpretation and social approach are emphasized.

Philosophy and Communication Strategies