Social aspects of creation

  • Tomas Kačerauskas
Keywords: creative society, social environment, consuming of creation, creative education


The article deals with the questions of creation social environment, relationship between a creator and creative society. The theses have been developed as follows: 1) any creation presupposes sociability but not vice versa: not every social environment presupposes creation; 2) a pioneer and a refiner of new art direction are two asymmetric poles in the social sense: a pioneer is asocial regarding his (her) predecessors but social regarding his (her) followers; on the contrary, a refiner is asocial regarding his (her) epigones and imitators but social regarding his (her) predecessors; 3) the more outstanding is an individual over his (her) environment the more plausible is the fact that he (she) is famous; 4) outstandingness increases the risk of sociability; 5) education of creative society plays a card of art consuming.
