Post-Neo-Kantianism and/or Transcendental Idealism

  • Vladimir Belov
  • Anastasia Lebedeva
Keywords: Neo-Kantianism, post-neo-Kantianism, transcendental idealism, philosophical system, metaphysics, ontology


This article explores the development of continental philosophy of critical transcendentalism after World War II. The intention to interpret Kant’s transcendentalism corresponds both to the demand to establish feasibility and necessity of conclusive rational grounds for the validity of our cognition and to the need to legitimise the claim of philosophy to be irrefutable in the justification of its principles. While resisting attempts to find the basis for the determination of reason outside the reason itself, post-neo-Kantian continental transcendentalism also rejects the voluntarist scheme of the constructive relation of reason to the external environment. This approach implies the emergence of philosophical projects that offer alternatives to the postmodernist relativisation of philosophical results and to the skepticism that emerges within that framework.
