Housing as an Object of Consumption: Analysis of Functional, Symbolic and Investment Value

  • Andrius Segalovičius
Keywords: consumption, consumer object, housing, functional, investment and symbolic value


Analysis of housing as an object of consumption rests upon the concept of the value of consumer object. A set of certain features of an object constitute its value and housing is explored by analysing its functional, investment and symbolic value. The results of the empirical study allows us to reasonably state that housing as an object of consumption is recognizable in the population surveyed. The assessment of functional, investment and symbolic value aspects varies with respect to the basic characteristics of housing – location in the city, living area and type of housing. The analysis of housing as an object of consumption revealed growth trends in the relevance of investment value, changes in attitudes towards housing loans and the relevance of owner status in the housing tenure.
Sociologija (Sociology)