The Use of Structural Methodology in Postmodern Concepts of Technology

  • Oksana Chursinova
  • Svitlana Povtoreva
  • Nataliia Zhorniak
Keywords: automatics, difference, the obese of structures, structure of technical product, transgression


The article is aimed at defining the possibilities for structural methodology to understand the phenomenon of modern technology. Some principles of postmodernists’ structural research are highlighted. The embodiment of these principles in the analytical discourse is shown, considering the state and development of technical activities and how they allow one to assess and predict future events. These predictions about mechanization, informatization and virtualization of almost all areas of modern society are contemplated pessimistic by some thinkers and optimistic by others. The conducted study showed that the structural methodology is a fairly effective means of philosophical understanding of the phenomena of technical reality. More and more people become involved in technology, and it is generally not perceived as involved in global threats. Instead, the dynamics and the consequences of structural transformations in the technical field are deeply interpreted by philosophers, who formulate their predictions and thus signal the dangers to culture and civilization.
Cognizing, Defining, Speaking: Between and Beyond Knowability...