Laminar burning velocity of ethanol premixed combustion enriched with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

  • Muh Nurkoyim Kustanto
  • I Nyoman Gede Wardana
  • Mega Nur Sasongko
  • Lilis Yuliati


The laminar burning velocity of ethanol premixed combustion enriched with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has been studied experimentally. The  study was conducted in a  cylindrical combustion chamber, and combustion model was spherically expanding flame. The  results showed that the laminar burning velocity of ethanol enriched with 5–10% LPG is higher than that of pure ethanol and that of pure LPG. This is due to the formation of H and OH radicals in the preheating zone, where the reaction occurs to form H2O and release heat. It raises temperature in the preheating zone which contributes to increase in the laminar burning velocity.