Effect of phytohormones and stratification on morphogenesis of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. isolated embryos

  • Vidmantas STANYS
  • Ingrida MAŽEIKIENĖ
  • Gražina STANIENĖ
  • Tadeušas ŠIKŠNIANAS


With the aim to overcome embryo inviability, seed dormancy and related problems, the effect of 6-benzylaminopurine and 3-indolylacetic acid on Paeonia lactiflora Pall. cv. ‘Virgilijus’ isolated embryos was investigated. Torpedo-shaped embryos were isolated 60–90 days after pollination. Exogenous growth regulators inhibited the development of roots, but stimulated the growth of leaves. Microplants that grew from unstratified embryos showed a stronger expression of this feature. Leaves of microplants from the stratified embryos grew more intensively in the nutrition media with both growth regulators. Stratification significantly stimulated the growth of roots on the White medium, but had no influence on the growth of roots in MS medium. Cytokinin and stratification on MS nutrition medium is required for the normal development of peony plants from the isolated embryos. MS nutrition medium, enriched with major investigated concentrations of exogenous BAP and IAA, may partially replace stratification. Keywords: Paeonia lactiflora Pall., isolated embryos, BAP, IAA, stratification