Initial analysis of highly competitive yeast strains promising for ethanol industry

  • V. Melvydas
  • G. Gedminienė
  • I. Jarmalaitė
  • B. Čapukoitienė
  • L. Nemceva


We have analyzed S. cerevisiae Rom K-100, M437, 4+, 18M, 20K++, K+ob and the newly discovered IIx31, III.2, Spanguolė yeast strains which are promising to use in alimentary (wine) industry, their efficiency of secrete killer toxin K2, and the reference strains. We studied the enzymatic potential of these strains and their influence on apple juice fermentation. We found that 20K++, IIx31 strains were more promising in alimentary industry and strains 4+, III.2, Spanguolė could be used in the production of ethanol in other industries. The other strains require more detailed study. The Rom K-100, III.2, K+ob, 4+, IIx31 and 20K++ strains had a good resistance (18%) to ethanol. Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast, killer strain, fermentation, ethanol tolerance, competitive ability