Influence of gibberellin inhibitors on the accumulation and redistribution of various forms of carbohydrates and nitrogen-containing compounds in plants of Solanum melongena L.

  • Viktor Rogach
  • Kateryna Reshetnyk
  • Volodymyr Kuryata
  • Tatyana Rogach


The 0.025% tebuconazole (EW-250), 0.25% chlormequat chloride (CCC-750), and 0.15% ethephon (2-CEPA) influences growth processes, the leaf apparatus, chlorophyll concentration and various carbohydrates forms, and total nitrogen content in Solanum melongena L. The decrease in the linear dimensions of the aubergine was established for all preparations. The most significant decrease in height was observed after the application of 2-HEPCs. The retardants increased the number of leaves, the dry matter mass of leaves, the leaf area, chlorophyll content, and the surface density of the leaf. EW-250 and ССС-750 retardants strengthened carbohydrate accumulation in aubergine fruits, mainly due to reducing forms. During the growing season, the total and protein nitrogen content decreased in roots and stems both in control and in experiment variants. EW-250 and CCC-750 accelerated total and protein nitrogen outflow from roots and stems and increased its content in leaves. Increasing the carbohydrates content in fruits the retardants simultaneously reduced the content of various nitrogen forms. Such changes in the dynamics of total nitrogen under the influence of tebuconazole led to enhanced fruit formation on each plant. Thus, retardants EW-250 and ССС-750 changed the nature of the donor-acceptor relations in them by increasing the outflow of plastic substances from vegetative organs to fruits and increasing the culture productivity.