Differentiation of natural populations of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Ukrainian Polissya based on the findings of research into the morphological markers of cones and seeds

  • Olga Mazhula
  • Yaroslav Fuchylo
  • Alyona Gordiyaschenko


Research into variability of morphological markers of the reproductive organs in nine natural populations of the  Scots pine of Ukrainian Polissya (Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, and Kyiv regions) was carried out during which the colour of cones, seeds, winged seeds, and the apophysis of the cones of the trees of native populations of the Scots pine were examined. The quantity and percentage of different morphological forms of the  cone and seeds of the  trees of investigated populations were defined. Trees with hooked (f. reflexa) apophysis of the cone (turning upwards) were discovered. As shown in the results of investigations, natural populations of the  Scots pine of Ukrainian Polissya are characterized by a  large variability of morphological forms. Altogether, 17 new forms of apophysis were described. Cluster analysis of a complex of morphological markers was conducted. It showed differentiation of some populations from the Rivne region.