Urticaceae-feeders from the family Tischeriidae: descriptions of two new species and new genus Paratischeria gen. nov.

  • Jonas R. Stonis
  • Arūnas Diškus
  • Brigita Paulavičiūtė
  • Alex K. Monro


We describe a  new genus Paratischeria Diškus & Stonis, gen. nov. and present the first observations of Urticaceae-feeding Tischeriidae species in South America and two new Urticaceaefeeding species (Paratischeria fasciata sp. nov. and P. ferruginea Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov. from the Andes of Bolivia and Ecuador). Together with the  African P. urticicolella (Ghesquière) (comb. nov.) from Congo, they are attributed to the newly designated ferruginea species group.
General Biology