A quick and reliable method for genome-wide host factor screening of Saccharomyces cerevisiae killer toxins

  • Elena Servienė
  • Juliana Lukša
  • Iglė Vepštaitė-Monstavičė
  • Jaunius Urbonavičius


Numerous yeasts produce toxic compounds to fight the competitors. Such compounds include small molecules (like antibiotics), antibiotic peptides, and also larger proteins, including killer toxins. Their ability to affect the cell depends on the host factors modulating the killing activity. Here we describe a  robotics-based method to advance the  genome-wide screening for the  host factors affecting sensitivity of budding yeast to the killer toxins using the K2 system as the model. We demonstrate that arraying the mutant library on the agar plates containing the K2 killer toxinproducing strain and/or purified toxin (“survival” assay) increases the sensitivity and speed of the screen and decreases the  costs compared to the  traditional “killer” assay. We show the applicability of a new screening method of searching for the  host factors using a  killer strain isolated from agricultural plant environment. In addition, the “survival” assay allows identification of previously undetected factors that could be the “missing links” in the pathways of toxininduced cellular responses.