Investigation of some wild annual vetch (Vicia L.)

  • Nijolė Maršalkienė


Investigation of annual vetch (Vicia villosa Roth., V. angustifolia L., V. hirsuta Gray) cenopopulations has been carried out since 1998. Gene fund is being collected, morphobiochemical characteristics and adaptive potential are being studied. Plant mass, stem, leaf and inflorescence ratio in the mass and crude protein content have been measured. Plant growth phonological stages are recorded. Diseases and damage done have been described. Experiments have shown that by preserving the characteristics specific to the cenopopulations the tested species (Vicia villosa Roth, V. angustifolia L., V. hirsuta Gray) readily adapt to different year diverse ecological conditions. V. villosa was distinguished for the largest biodiversity. Averaged data suggest that according to the crude protein content in the plant aboveground mass, the stem, leaf and inflorescence ratio in the plant mass of V. villosa and some samples of V. angustifolia were more valuable than in that of cultivated V. sativa. For detailed tests and application in plant breeding cenopopulations were selected according to earliness of flowering, productivity, crude protein content, and disease resistance.
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