Changes in crude oil hydrocarbon composition during biodegradation by Arthrobacter sp. M1 and Acinetobacter sp. Pr82 in selected optimal conditions

  • Indrė Gailiūtė
  • Gražina Račkauskienė
  • Saulius Grigiškis


One of the perspective areas for biotechnology application is the clean-up of environment contamination by oil hydrocarbons. The above biotechnology is based on the ability of some microorganisms to degrade crude oil and oil products. Among the oil hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms, the bacteria of genus Arthrobacter and genus Acinetobacter are especially attractive for biotechnological applications, as they are widespread in the environment and are able to survive in extreme conditions (Levišauskas et al., 2004; Towner, 2006). The aim of this work was to select optimal conditions (inoculum age, inoculum vo­lume, temperature, pH, concentration) for microbial strains degrading crude oil and to research how SARA fractions (saturated compounds, aromatic compounds, resins, asphaltenes) change in composition after crude oil degradation in optimal conditions. Two strains Acinetobacter sp. Pr82 and Arthrobacter sp. M1 were obtained from the culture collection of JSC “Biocentras” and used for investigations. Research results show the best degradation intensity of saturated hydrocarbons by Acinetobacter sp. Pr82 and Arthrobacter  sp. M1; much lower degradation was of aromatic compounds, resins and asphaltenes.