Effects of N-stearoylethanolamine on anxiety-like behavioral reactions of rats after chronic alcoholization

  • Oleksandr V. Bondarenko
  • N. M. Hula
  • M. Yu. Makarchuk
  • T. M. Horid’ko


The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine (NSE) administration (isolated and combined with alcoholization) in the dose of 5 mg/kg on the behavior reactions of rats in the elevated plus maze was investigated. It was revealed that the isolated administration of NSE at the dose of 5  mg/kg rather reduced general locomotor activity of rats in elevated plus maze than increased their anxietylike behavior in these conditions. It was shown that chronic 30-day alcoholization increased anxiety-like behavior of rats in elevated plus maze but introduction of NSE on the background of alcohol eliminated changes of locomotor and emotional behavior of animals after alcoholization. The presence of significant changes in locomotor and emotional behavior of rats in elevated plus maze after administration of NSE at the dose of 5  mg/kg indicated a redundancy of such dose of the substance and therefore research of the influence on the behavior of smaller doses of NSE is very relevant.