Phytocenological description of populations of rare species of genus Crambe L. in Crimea

  • Olga Мykhailova


The author considers it is important to study eight rare species of Crambe L. (Brassicaceae) because they are listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, Cr. koktebelica (Junge) N. Busch – in the Bern Convention, Cr. mitridatis Juz. – in the European Red List. Since there were little data on these species, the aim of the study was to obtain new information about the state of coenopopulations of four species: Cr. maritima L., Cr. koktebelica, Cr. tataria Sebeok., Cr. mitridatis in the Crimea and about the characteristics of their plant communities. The material for the study was coenopopulations of these species and plant communities. The range of species was given according to the Vascular plants of Ukraine. The study of distribution was conducted by the route-field method. To determine the main characteristics of coenopopulations the technique developed by Rabotnov was used. Geobotanical description was done according to the technique described by Shennikov. The article presents the data of 2010–2012. In the Crimea there were found five  coenopopulations of Cr.  maritima, four coenopopulations of Cr.  koktebelica, two coenopopulations of Cr. tataria and Cr. mitridatis. Plant communities were analyzed on the floristic composition and biomorphic structure. New data about the size and structure of populations are presented. During the study the location and area of coenopopulations of four species of Crambe were found. Given the new data, the author finds it impossible to consider Cr. koktebelica local endemic in south-eastern Crimea. It was proved that Cr.  maritima, Cr. mitridatis and Cr. koktebelica exhibit coenophobic properties. Plant communities have several features in common: poor floristic composition; the most numerous families are Asteraceae and Poaceae; the prevalence of heliophytes xeromesophytes herbaceous perennials. Protection of areas with rare species was recommended.
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