β-glucan extraction from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast using Actinomyces rutgersensis 88 yeast lyzing enzymatic complex

  • Artūras Javmen
  • Saulius Grigiškis
  • Raimonda Gliebutė


β-glucan is a polymer of glucose which is produced by many different organisms – bacteria, fungi, plants. In this natural polymer glucose monomers are linked by β glycosidic bonds. Nowadays non-cellulosic, fungal β-glucans are being broadly investigated. The main reason being that these biological polymers are recognized as potent immunological stimulators for human immune system. Experimental data show that β-glucans protect mammals from different infections and increase immune system cells cytotoxicity against cancer. One of these immunomodulating substances is yeast β-glucan extracted from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A large part of fungal cells mass consists of β-glucans. β-glucan is a major structural component of various yeast cells and is vital for cell functions. In the present paper we describe a simple β-glucan extraction procedure using Actinomyces rutgersensis 88 yeast lysing enzymatic complex for yeast cell lysis and soft alkaline β-glucan extraction in further steps.