Žemės ūkio mokslai 2022-08-29T15:13:31+03:00 Editorial Secretary Open Journal Systems <p><!--StartFragment--><em>Žemės ūkio mokslai /Agricultural Sciences</em>, a periodical of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, publishes original scientific papers in Lithuanian and English that have not been published elsewhere.</p> <p>Science fields and directions:</p> <p>• agricultural sciences: agronomy (01A), forest science (04A), zootechnics (03A), veterinary medicine (02A);<br>• technological sciences: mechanical engineering (09T), environmental engineering (04T); <br>• social sciences: management (03S), economics (04S), sociology (05S) (agricultural economics, rural development, etc.).<!--EndFragment--></p> <p><strong>Since 2024, publishing of the scientific journal 'Žemės ūkio mokslai' has been discontinued</strong>.</p> Phytosanitary conditions of differently biodiversed maize, hemp and faba bean crops 2022-08-29T15:13:24+03:00 Jovita Balandaitė Ugnius Ginelevičius Austėja Švereikaitė Kęstutis Romaneckas <p>The investigations were carried out at the Experimental Station of Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, in 2021. The soil of the experimental site is silty light loam Planosol. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of multi-cropping intensity on the prevalence and damage of diseases and pests, as well as on weed abundance and biomass. The methods of crop diversification were studied:</p> <p>1. Maize mono-crop (KU);<br>2. Hemp mono-crop (KA);<br>3. Faba bean mono-crop (PU);<br>4. Maize and hemp binary-crop (KU + KA);<br>5. Maize and faba bean binary-crop (KU + PU);<br>6. Hemp and faba bean binary-crop (KA + PU);<br>7. Maize, hemp and faba bean ternary-crop (KU + KA + PU).</p> <p>Contrary to expectations, the number of pests found in the hemp mono-crop (KA) and faba bean mono-crop (PU) was lower and the damage caused was lower than in the binary and ternary crops. Crop diversification has been an effective method of controlling faba bean diseases. The lowest abundance and intensity of Botrytis fabae and Ascochyta fabae were found in hemp and faba bean binary-crop (KA + PU). Binary maize and faba bean crop (KU + PU) were most effective in weed controlling, with the lowest number and biomass of weeds.</p> 2022-08-29T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Pseudomonas syringae influence on winter wheat yield 2022-08-29T15:13:11+03:00 Jurgita Kelpšienė Skaidrė Supronienė <p>The last year research shows that pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas syringae which cause leaf blight and basal glume blotch are spreading in Lithuania. The loss of grain yield because of P. syringae caused diseases might be from 5 to 50%. The decrease of grain yield depends on many factors, including environment conditions (especially temperature and humidity). The aim of the study is to identity how different strains and infection of Pseudomonas syringae influence winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) yield in Lithuania. In vitro five varieties of winter wheat (Dagmar, Janne, Edvins, Skagen and Artist) have been infected by cell suspensions of eight different P. syringae strains (1.0 × 106 KSVml–1) in different growth stages (BBCH 61, BBCH 63-65, BBCH 70- 71 and BBCH 75). The wheat has been sprayed by sterile distilled water in the control variant. Grain weight differences between the investigation variants have been estimated after wheat achieved full maturity (BBCH89). With reference to the analysis data of three statistical factors we can say that the P. syringae infection time did not have a significant influence on the grain weight (P = 0.1970), but the influence of the varieties and P. syringae strains was statistically significant (P = 0.0000). The interaction between different factors such as the infection time and varieties, the infection time and P. syringae strains as well as P. syringae strains has been statistically significant. The referential bacteria P. syringae pv. syringae (strain No. CFBP 4108 Van Hall 1902) and P. syringae pv. Atrofaciens (strain No. CFBP 3587 Mac Culloch 1920) reduced the grain weight mostly (P = 0.0000), respectively, 10.2 and 9.1% compared to the control.</p> 2022-08-29T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Value of Hordeum vulgare L. genotypes in terms of yield and its stability 2022-08-29T15:13:14+03:00 M. R. Kozachenko P. M. Solonechnyi O. V. Zymohliad N. I. Vasko O. Ye. Vazhenina O. H. Naumov L. N. Kobyzeva V. P. Kolomatska <p>Our purpose was to determine the value of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars and lines in terms of yield and its stability. The GGE biplot analysis of competitive cultivar trial data was used. Due to the GGE biplot, the relationships between the barley cultivars and lines under investigation with the environment (years of their cultivation) were visualised. The mega-environment of 2018 and 2020 was the most optimal one for yields from the cultivars, especially Grace, Amil, Troian and Talisman Myronivskyi, while the 2019 environment for Avhur, Margret and Khors. The GGE biplot ranking graphically described the genotypes by average yield and its stability over the three years: Grace, Margret, Amil, Troian, Datcha, Avhur, Khors, Ahrarii, Talisman Myronivskyi and Herkules were high-yielding cultivars; naked cultivars Merlin, Gatunok and Akhiles gave the lowest yields; Grace, Gladys, Gatunok, Yavir, Kontrast and Khors were highly stable cultivars; Amil, Avhur, KWS Bambina and Rezerv were low stable. Of the high-yielding cultivars, Grace and Khors were the most stable ones. The GGE biplot also visualised the comparison of the genotypes with the hypothetical ‘ideal’ genotype by the highest ‘breeding value’: Grace was the best (5.43 t ha–1), Troian was the second best (5.31 t ha–1), followed by Margret (5.27 t ha–1), Avhur, Ahrarii, Krechet and Herkules (5.00–5.22 t ha–1). As a conclusion of the identified patterns, we established the practical and breeding value of the high-yielding and stable cultivars, Grace (5.43 t ha–1) and Khors (5.22 t ha–1), for conditions of different years, as well as the high-yielding and highly responsive cultivars, Amil (5.37 t ha–1) and Avhur (5.22 t ha–1), for the most optimal growing conditions.</p> 2022-08-29T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) The influence of lupine seeds flour addition on wheat-rye bread quality 2022-08-29T15:13:07+03:00 Jurgita Lazdauskienė Inga Kepalienė Nijolė Liepienė Lina Vaičiulytė Funk <p>The aim of this research was to determine the influence of the amount of 10, 15 and 20% of lupine seeds flour on sensory properties, moisture, acidity, specific volume, density, crumb hardness, and the drying process of wheat-rye bread. In order to assess sensory properties, the test of descriptive analysis of sensory properties was applied in accordance with ISO 11036 and ISO 6564. The evaluation of sensory properties demonstrated that the amount of 10% of lupine seeds flour did not adversely affect the colour, taste and texture of wheat-rye bread. The amount of 15 and 20% of lupine seeds flour reduced porosity and elasticity, increased stickiness and bitterness of bread, and the taste of lupine seeds flour was felt. As the amount of lupine seeds flour in bread increased, the specific volume, porosity and elasticity of bread decreased, whereas the crumb density as well as stickiness increased. Storing a bread sample for 1 day, the amount of increasing lupine seeds flour enhanced bread crumb hardness by 1.5–2 times, and after 4 days of storage it increased by 3–4 times compared to that of the control sample. The amount of 10% of lupine seeds flour in bread did not influence the drying process and did not differ from the control sample in the unpacked samples for 4 days. The amount of 20% of lupine seeds flour increased the weight loss of bread drying process by 53% compared to that of the control sample after 4 days of storage.</p> 2022-08-29T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Influence of buckwheat insertion depth on weediness of barley and bean crops 2022-08-29T15:13:03+03:00 Regina Malinauskaitė Virmantas Pocius <p>The article presents the effect of different insertion of buckwheat as a catch crop on the weediness of spring barley and bean crops. The research was carried out in 2019–2020 at the farm of Virmantas Pocius, located in Pakruojis District, in two fields, near Draudeliai Village. The experiment variants were the following: 1) tillage of cover crops in autumn (control); 2) shallow tillage of cover crops to a depth of 5 cm in autumn; 3) deep tillage of cover crops in a depth of 20 cm in autumn. In the control and shallow insertion of catch crops, higher levels of perennial and wintering weeds (weed category IV) were found in spring barley and bean crops, and deeply inserted catch crops were found to be lower (weed category III). The weed abundance and harmfulness score in the spring barley crop was 7.84 points, when buckwheat was inserted at a depth of 5 cm, it was 7.19, and when it was inserted at a depth of 20 cm, it was 6.40. In the bean crop, the weed abundance and pest scores in these variants were 8.11, 7.68 and 6.92, respectively. Plants of Asteraceae family prevailed in spring barley and bean crops. Among the harmful weeds of this family, Cirsium arvense, Centaurea cyanu and Tripleurospermum perforatum can be distinguished. Cirsium arvense is a light-loving rhisome weed, its harmfulness point is 10, and by Ellenberg Indicator values it is indifferent to moisture, pH and organic substances (pH and N values).</p> 2022-08-29T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) Žemės ūkio akademijos profesoriui Fabijonui Kemėšiui atminti 2022-08-29T15:13:31+03:00 Lietuvos mokslų akademija. ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MOKSLAI. <p>Rengiant spaudai Lietuvos žemės ūkio akademijos (Lietuvos žemės ūkio universiteto, Aleksandro Stulginskio universiteto) jubiliejinius leidinius ir knygas apie iškilius aukštosios mokyklos profesorius neišvengiamai teko domėtis jos pirmtakės Žemės ūkio akademijos Dotnuvoje gyvavimo ir veiklos istorija. Mane sudomino kunigo, ekonomisto, sociologo, mokslų daktaro, profesoriaus, lietuvių visuomenės veikėjo, spaudos darbuotojo ir žymaus publicisto, Žemės ūkio akademijos Dotnuvoje Šv. Povilo bažnyčios rektoriaus, Kauno kapitulos garbės kanauninko, Sibiro kankinio Fabijono Kemėšio (1880–1954) asmenybė ir plati, iškili jo visuomeninė veikla, tragiška gyvenimo baigtis.</p> 2022-08-22T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2021 m. apgintos žemės ūkio mokslų srities daktaro disertacijos 2022-08-29T15:13:27+03:00 Lietuvos mokslų akademija, ŽEMĖS ŪKIO MOKSLAI. <p>2021 m. apgintos žemės ūkio mokslų srities daktaro disertacijos</p> 2022-08-22T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c)