Ethno-cultural identity manifestation: Varėna District children’s folklore groups
At present, the Dzūkija ethnographical region has the largest number of folklore groups in Lithuania. There are 23 adult and 12 children’s folklore groups in the District of Varėna alone. This article seeks to reveal realities of the Varėna District children’s folklore groups. The major objective of children’s folklore groups is education. In primary schools, the learning process of folk songs and dances is carried out alongside with playing, teaching and communication. Alongside with their direct responsibilities, leaders of children’s folklore groups are often forced to act as social workers and even as psychologists. Some of the children attending Varėna District folklore groups come from asocial families. For such children, folklore activities serve as a means of social integration. The survey of motivations stimulating children’s involvement in ethno-musical activities has revealed that children attending folklore groups name singing in the first place. Concerts and concert tours take the second score. Tradition continuity for children is in the forth position. Analysis of children’s folklore group activities has shown that folklore groups acting at schools and culture centres are almost the only remaining place where the ethno-cultural identity of children and youth can be actively nurtured by promoting the continuity of ancient ethno-musical traditions.