Investigation of the process of incineration of obsolete sludge

  • Zhanna Petrova
  • Yurii Sniezhkin
  • Valerii Chmel
  • Inessa Novikova
  • Yuliia Novikova
Keywords: sludge deposits, combustion, alternative fuel


Preservation of natural resources and the environment is an urgent task in human development. In Ukraine, there is a problem of overcrowded sludge sites, which negatively affect the environment by polluting groundwater and soils with toxic substances. Most sludge sites contain sludge that is over 30 years old and is called obsolete. The aim of the article was to study the process of incineration of obsolete sludge. Fuel characteristics of sludge deposits were determined. The obtained indicator of the specific heat of combustion of sludge deposits is close to peat, which will further create a composite fuel. The combustion process of a separate particle of sludge, which determined the duration and speed of combustion, was studied. Taking the results of the obtained experiments on the combustion of a particle of sludge into account, a study of flare combustion was conducted. The research showed that the process of combustion of sludge particles in the flare corresponds to the generally accepted process of combustion of solid fuel in the flare.
