Analysis of factors influencing energy efficiency in a Smart Metering Pilot

  • Uldis Bariss
  • Ilze Laicane
  • Dagnija Blumberga


This paper analyzes the results of providing smart meters and appropriate feedback on electricity consumption in a pilot study involving around 1 000 households in Latvia. The findings from our study have shown that smart meter roll-out and provision of appropriate feedback information can provide significant energy savings for household customers. In comparison with the control group the average consumption of the target group fell by 19% year by year. Additionally, there was identified in the consumption group 0–399 kWh per month that feedback enabled by smart meters motivated to consume less electricity those customers who recognize options how to change their energy consumption behavior. It was also identified that customer willingness to receive additional information does not necessarily correspond with later actions to reduce consumption. This could be related to actual or desired behavior that together with feedback induced motivation results into energy saving actions.