Chemija 2025-03-07T15:47:12+02:00 Executive Secretary Open Journal Systems <p><em>Chemija</em> publishes original research articles and reviews from all branches of modern chemistry, including physical, inorganic, analytical, organic, polymer chemistry, electrochemistry, and multidisciplinary approaches. The journal is covered by <em>Clarivate Web of Science</em> since 2007. 2023 impact factor 0.5, 5-year impact factor 0.6.</p> Title 2025-03-07T15:47:11+02:00 Lietuvos mokslų akademija 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) Contents 2025-03-07T15:47:11+02:00 Lietuvos mokslų akademija 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) Functionalisation of silver nanoparticles with 4-mercaptophenylacetic acid for iron ions detection using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy 2025-03-07T15:47:11+02:00 Tatjana Charkova Kristina Bolgova <p>The detailed synthesis of silver nanoparticles (30&nbsp;±&nbsp;5&nbsp;nm) functionalised with 4-mercaptophenylacetic acid and their interaction with iron ions are presented. The&nbsp;study shows the&nbsp;morphological changes of the&nbsp;nanostructures due to the&nbsp;interaction with iron ions, leading to aggregation. The&nbsp;formation of bulky complexes is proved by UV–Vis, HR-TEM and SEM data. The&nbsp;complexes increase the&nbsp;SERS sensitivity of 4-mercaptophenylacetic acid, expanding wider analytical applications.</p> 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) Electrocatalytic oxidation of L-lactate by Saccharomyces cerevisiae flavocytochrome b2 on redox mediator-modified glassy carbon electrodes 2025-03-07T15:47:11+02:00 Mindaugas Lesanavičius Kastis Krikštopaitis Narimantas Čėnas <p>In order to expand the&nbsp;variety of redox mediator-modified electrodes potentially used for the&nbsp;determination of L-lactate, in this work we investigated the&nbsp;reactions of Saccharomyces cerevisiae flavocytochrome b2 (fcb2) with quinones and its electrocatalytic reactions on glassy carbon electrodes, modified either by their electrochemical pretreatment, or by the&nbsp;products of the&nbsp;electrochemical reduction of dinitrobenzenes. The&nbsp;obtained electrochemically reversible surface redox groups were characterised by a&nbsp;midpoint potential of 0.06–0.10&nbsp;V (vs Ag/AgCl, pH&nbsp;7.0) and an electron transfer rate constant of 0.62–0.72&nbsp;s–1. In the&nbsp;presence of surface-entrapped fcb2, the&nbsp;electrocatalytic oxidation of L-lactate started at<br>ca. 0.10&nbsp;V, and was characterised by a&nbsp;current density of 4.5–18&nbsp;µA/cm2 at 0.20&nbsp;V. The&nbsp;linear part of the&nbsp;response was observed up to 0.3–0.4&nbsp;mM L-lactate. However, the&nbsp;prepared electrodes were less stable than those using fcb2 of other origin, most likely due to the&nbsp;modification of specific cysteine groups in the&nbsp;enzyme active center.</p> 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) On the application of Koutecky–Levich analysis to electrochemical processes involving metal complexes. 1. Theoretical background 2025-03-07T15:47:11+02:00 Arvydas Survila <p>The applicability of the&nbsp;Koutecky–Levich (KL) approach for the&nbsp;processes occurring in the&nbsp;systems of labile metal complexes is considered. According to the&nbsp;analysis of simulated RDE voltammograms, the&nbsp;use of classical KL relationships is possible if the&nbsp;predominant complexes are involved in the&nbsp;charge transfer process. In the&nbsp;opposite case, corrections to the&nbsp;initial voltametric data, taking into account the&nbsp;surface distribution of complexes and ligands, are required. The&nbsp;rationale and methodology for correction functions are presented. Inaccuracies in the&nbsp;estimation of kinetic and diffusion characteristics arising from ignoring the&nbsp;peculiarities of mass transfer of chemically interacting particles are analysed.</p> 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) On the application of Koutecky–Levich analysis to electrochemical processes involving metal complexes. 2. Experimental examples 2025-03-07T15:47:11+02:00 Arvydas Survila Stasė Kanapeckaitė Laima Gudavičiūtė <p>Cathodic RDE voltammograms obtained for the&nbsp;reduction of Ag(I) complexes with glycine, sulfite and cyanide were analysed using a&nbsp;modified Koutecky–Levich approach. To extend this method to processes involving ligands, the&nbsp;composition of the&nbsp;electrically active complex was taken into account. For this purpose, the&nbsp;initial experimental data were modified using special correction functions. Experimental data were analysed with the&nbsp;involvement of information on the&nbsp;complexation characteristics and the&nbsp;mechanism of charge transfer. The&nbsp;scope of the&nbsp;basic model and factors requiring further evaluation were discussed.</p> 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) Aqueous two-phase systems based on hexafluoroisopropanol and hydrophilic organic solvents: phase diagrams and extraction studies 2025-03-07T15:47:12+02:00 Vytautas Kavaliauskas Vilma Olšauskaitė Audrius Padarauskas <p>This study explores a&nbsp;novel type of the&nbsp;aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) consisting of hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) and hydrophilic organic solvent as a&nbsp;phase separation inducing agent. Six solvents (acetone, acetonitrile, dimethyl sulfoxide, ethanol, methanol and tetrahydrofuran) were tested as HFIP-based ATPS inducing agents. Only aprotic solvents induced the&nbsp;formation of ATPS. The&nbsp;results suggest that the&nbsp;hydrogen bonding interaction between HFIP and aprotic solvent is the&nbsp;main driving force of phase separation. The&nbsp;phase separation ability of solvents increased with their log P values: less hydrophilic solvents induced phase separation at lower concentrations. HFIP/acetonitrile ATPS was evaluated as an extractant for organic compounds from various classes in aqueous solutions. Obtained extraction efficiencies can be ordered according to the&nbsp;following sequence: amines&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;esters&nbsp;≈&nbsp;aromatic hydrocarbons&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;hydroxy esters&nbsp;≈&nbsp;phenols&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;carboxylic acids. Interestingly, the&nbsp;proposed system shows an exceptionally good extractability of relatively hydrophilic neutral and positively charged basic compounds. The&nbsp;water immiscible phase possesses a&nbsp;high volatility, a&nbsp;higher than water density and a&nbsp;low viscosity. These properties make ATPS very promising as an extractant for conventional liquid–liquid extraction and particularly well-suited for liquid–liquid microextraction techniques. </p> 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) Evaluation of compatibility of FluidCrystal® formulations with fibre-type hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) extracts 2025-03-07T15:47:12+02:00 Aušra Linkevičiūtė-Dumčė Jurga Būdienė Jenni Engstedt Justas Barauskas <p>The main objective of the&nbsp;present study was to investigate mixtures of soy phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and glycerol dioleate (GDO) as encapsulation matrices for Cannabis sativa&nbsp;L. phytocannabinoids. The&nbsp;effects of cannabinoids loading into non-aqueous formulations and non-lamellar liquid crystalline phases were studied using synchrotron small-angle X-ray diffraction and dynamic light scattering methods. The&nbsp;incorporation of phytocannabinoids is discussed with respect to the&nbsp;lipid aggregation behaviour, self-assembled nanostructures, and long-term chemical stability. The&nbsp;obtained results showed that SPC/GDO-based formulations can incorporate relatively high amounts of cannabinoids and could serve as liquid crystalline delivery vehicles in the&nbsp;form of bulk phases.</p> 2025-03-04T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c)