Phenogenetic variation pattern in adaptive traits of Betula pendula, Alnus glutinosa and Quercus robur in Lithuania

  • Virgilijus BALIUCKAS
  • Alfas PLIŪRA


The main objective of the study was to estimate and compare genetic parameters in the widespread forest tree species Betula pendula, Alnus glutinosa and in Lithuania. The results were based on assessments of half-sib progeny at juvenile age in field trials located in different eco-geographic regions. Bud flushing and height were measured at ages 4 to 9. Population and family variance components for both traits were the largest in pedunculate oak, whereas genotype × environment interaction estimates were large in black alder. Within a trait, genetic correlations were strong for bud flushing in silver birch and pedunculate oak. The estimates for height were medium to strong only in pedunculate oak, while they were very weak to weak for the other two species. The strong population effects in pedunculate oak indicate that a larger number of populations needs to be selected for gene conservation than in the other two species. The clinal variation in adaptive traits in black alder means that populations for gene conservation have to be selected along the environmental gradient. Based on our results, silver birch populations from Middle Lithuanian Lowland, showing a good performance and a high genetic diversity for adaptive traits in field trials, would suit best for gene conservation. Keywords: Betula pendula, Alnus glutinosa, Quercus robur, genetic diversity, population structure, genotype × environment interaction, genetic correlation, gene conservation