Al3+ induced membrane potential changes in Nitellopsis obtusa cells

  • V. Kišnierienė
  • V. Sakalauskas


To study the mechanism of aluminium toxicity in plant cells, the effects of aluminium on the electrogenesis of plasma membrane were investigated. We analyzed Al3+ induced membrane potential (Em) changes and potential changes during generation of the action potential (AP) in the internodal cells of Nitellopsis obtusa. Al3+ modified Em decrease significantly. Al3+ didn’t attenuate the amplitude of the action potential too much, though the peak value of the action potential increased. The S of the second stage of AP repolarization was about 32 mV in positive direction as a result of Al3+ treatment. Al3+ has been suggested to affect Ca2+ homeostasis and H+-ATPase activity. Keywords: aluminium (Al toxicity), Characeae, Nitellopsis obtusa, membrane potential, action potential, Ca2+ homeostasis, electrogenic H+ pump